The Knox County Infirmary, Is It Really A House Of Nightmares?

poor house27This building in all its glory was never built as a home but was erected in 1875 by Tinsley & Co. to be the Knox County Infirmary.  A good friend of mine had introduced me to the place only a few months ago.  It’s one of those places that leaves you in awe the moment you set eyes on it.  It stands tall in the small town of Bangs in Knox County Ohio, however sits abandoned and has for quite a few years now.

038The building For the longest time had been the home to the poor and needy of the area.  This would make one believe that a cemetery should be nearby.  I have heard no evidence of this.  Knowing that this place had been the home of so many, it leaves the mind to wander, it could truly be a house of nightmares, not just because it was used as such not so long ago for the fun of a Halloween scare, but just for a lot of lost or misplaced souls.  Rumor also has it that during the period it was owned by the local church college students were killed in an elevator that broke and crashed to the lowest level of the building.  Looking at the place, it just looks haunted with its dingy bricks and enormous Victorian appeal.  Although you are not allowed to trespass to the inside, you can walk the grounds and feel that you are not alone.  Many pictures were taken by friends and myself in the darker hours, and strange orbs can be seen in many of the pictures as well as some strange shadows of figures in the windows.  Knowing many will argue that orbs are dampness picked up by the camera, you can decide that for yourself.

The Infirmary is a registered historic building, the question is, when will something be done to put it back into its glory?  Is it really haunted?  Is it just naturally Creepy?  Find out for yourself.various